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About CDRe


Denward have been producing and supporting pharmacies with paper and electronic controlled drug registers for over a decade. We have now put all our expertise into our fully compliant cloud-based software package. This hugely increases the flexibility of the system as well as increasing data integrity. 

The register allows you to quickly and simply manage your stock, dispense a drug, manage your methadone schedules, enter patient returns, carry out destructions, run reports and produce the register all from a single easy to use dashboard. 

The CDRe has been developed to ensure compliance whilst giving cost benefits and added usability. The system is fully supported by our trained customer service team, so you rest easy knowing you and your data are in safe hands.


We have now introduced a branch function giving the ability to run multiple branches under a single umbrella. This allows users to seamlessly move from site to site whilst seeing the same familiar layout. The branch functionality also gives head office the ability to monitor each sites activity and deal with any issues quickly and seamlessly. 

There is now a quick, repeat dispense function which is done via a patient’s previous records. This function enables you to quickly and easily add a repeat whilst still capturing all the required fields. 

We now run a fully tested quarantine section allowing out of date drugs to be moved into quarantine while awaiting destruction. 

The drug list now has added functionality allowing new drugs to added. Any drug can also be inactivated allowing you to create a completely bespoke drug list for your needs.


Our new system brings massive benefits to our clients, allowing secure access across multiple device platforms. All transactions are designed and carried out within the register via a system developed for audited accounts. This system ensures all entries are as secure as if you had put pen to paper. 

The highly encrypted SSL certified https servers ensure client data is secure as well as complying with the relevant GDPR regulations. 

The register is backed-up across multiple SSL certified servers ensuring data integrity and maximum uptime. 

Secure login credentials ensure all entries are fully auditable and reports can be run by drug, user, prescriber or date. You can also set date limits to a user’s account. For example, this enables a locum to have access for a designated time with the ability to easily add or revoke a user’s access with a simple click.